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We believe, with St. James, that faith without good works is a dead faith (James 2:14-26).  Likewise, good works not guided by faith may come up pretty empty.  The family of Christ Episcopal Church reaches out to the community to do good, and we are known as a place where people in difficulty can get help.


The Men of Christ Church

Our men's group, The Men of Christ Church, has several fundraisers each year, with all of the proceeds going to help others in the community.  Among last year's projects were: Christmas presents for sixty handicapped group home residents, Christmas presents for fifteen children who otherwise wouldn't have received any, emergency funds for families about to be evicted or have their utilities turned off, and assistance for stranded travelers.


The Food Pantry

The Food Pantry provides emergency groceries to dozens of individuals and families each year.  Read More


The Priest's Discretionary Fund

The Priest's Discretionary Fund, supported by the church's general fund, theMen of Christ Church, The Women of the Church, and private donations, allows our priest to provide immediate assistance to those in need.


With other Episcopal churches in the area, Christ Episcopal Church helps to support Grace Mission, on Brevard St., in Tallahassee. Grace Mission ministers to both the spiritual and material needs of the poor and homeless.


The Youth Group

We are very proud of the Youth at Christ Church.  They are shining examples of what happens to our youth when Jesus Christ enters their daily lives. Almost every one (if not all) of them participate in the services by being acolytes, joining the choir, and occasionally actually being the choir.


The Daughters of the King

The Daughters continue to take prayer requests for anyone who may need them. We pray each morning specifically by name for your needs. Let any Daughter know if you need us.

We are also a service organization. We visit folks, make hospital visits and phone calls. We will try everything to help.



The Vestry occasionally schedules a newcomers dinner to welcome all new members of our Church. We want all to know how glad we are that they are worshipping with us. Please make visitors welcome, and get to know our new members.


Disaster Plan

The disaster plan for Christ Church is complete. Thanks to Bobby Henderson who did the electrical and gas schematics. Also thanks to Cynthia Hughes who did professional photos of the interior and exterior of the church.

Check this page for general news, as we will be trying to make this site more up-to-date with upcoming church news and events.

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